artist statement
My artwork reveals glimpses of a search for meaning in nature, color, music, memory, animals and people, myth and mystery, and more. My work arises from the natural world, life experiences, contemporary events, free-flowing paint or wordplay, and the voice that speaks when I dare to listen. Vivid colors usually inhabit my palette, but sometimes they hide under other colors or become more subdued.
I create mostly small and medium-scale paintings (acrylic or oil) and mixed media pieces. Some pieces include fiber, photography and other media. Some works feature my original poems, allowing the interplay of the textual and the visual, the created and the observed. I intend for my images and words not to limit viewers' responses, but rather to invite them to reflect on their own life, dreams, memories and experiences—their own language.
artist background
Jane Robinette was born and raised in Iowa and has lived in Iowa most of her life. She grew up surrounded by the art and art-making of her mother, her aunt, and others in the community. She has written poetry and prose and enjoyed visual creative activities since she was very young.
After obtaining degrees in social work and law, and working in both areas for several years, Jane left her law job in 1998 to launch the Iowa Women Artists Oral History Project (www.lucidplanet.com/iwa) and to do more of her own creative work. Since then she has coordinated another art/interviewing project (Beyond 9-11) and learned basic website design. In addition to painting and writing, she creates and maintains websites for her own projects and for several clients. She lives in Des Moines, Iowa, with her spouse.